This case suggests next-generation sequencing may be diagnostic in some atypical peroxisomalbiogenesisdisorders.
Uso de zss em inglês
It confirms and extends knowledge of the characteristic cMRI pattern in ZSS patients.
The diagnosis of ZSS relies on the clinical presentation and the biochemical evaluation of peroxisomal metabolites.
In the absence of pronounced clinical features of ZSS, neuroradiological findings may lead the way to the diagnosis.
Nevertheless, an abnormal gyration pattern might be more frequent in patients with a mild ZSS than deduced from previous studies.
Polymicrogyria and pachygyria were more common in patients with severe ZSS, while leukencephalopathy increases with age in patients with longer survival.
The present study evaluated the cMRI results of additional 18 patients, 6 with a severe and 12 with a milder ZSS phenotype.